Wednesday, January 20, 2021


"Ramanujanology" is a  term coined by Freeman Dyson for the study of the Indian mathematician Ramanujan. Here is a video of Freeman Dyson talking about it in his oral history. His first piece of original research was on Ramanujan theorems.

Dyson, Freeman J. 1996. Review: [RT: Ramanujan: Letters and commentary; RA: Berndt, Bruce C., and Robert A. Rankin]. Isis 87, (2) (Jun.): 387. A glowing review. Dyson adds an interesting comment: “In recent years, Ramanujanology has become a lively branch of mathematics, with many younger mathematicians exploring the territory that Ramanujan discovered. The advent of computers has brought new talents to he field. A bright graduate student with a Sun workstation can now do almost as good a job as Ramanujan with a pencil.”

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